Extendicare McGarrell Place

Exemplary Accreditation Celebration

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On Wednesday, September 23 2015, Extendicare Brampton celebrated the home’s outstanding accomplishment of achieving Exemplary Standing from Accreditation Canada. In order to thank the family of staff for their hard work, food and refreshments were served. At the celebration, a special thank-you was made to the home’s administrator, Karen Ptacek, for her wonderful efforts and organization throughout the assessment period. In addition to thanking staff for their efforts in this incredible accomplishment, the home also thanked their partners, residents, and families.

Extendicare Brampton is one of the 34 Ontario long term care homes and two Ontario retirement living centres Accredited with Exemplary Standing. This is a remarkable accomplishment for all homes since it is the highest level of accreditation. Exemplary Standing is achieved when a home exceeds the requirements of Accreditation Canada and demonstrates excellence in quality improvement. The achievement of Exemplary Standing showcases both the home’s, as well Extendicare’s, commitment to continue to help people live better through the care and services provided.