Extendicare McGarrell Place

June is Seniors’ Month | 104 year old Extendicare London resident Vera gives back to her Extendicare family

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Each Seniors’ Month, we celebrate those who have built our communities, shaped our families and who continue to share their wisdom with those around them.

Extendicare London resident Vera celebrated her 104th birthday last year.

Reflecting on more than a century of memories and experiences, her greatest joy in her senior years has been to watch the family she began more than fifty years ago – including four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren - continue to grow.

“Every year, on their birthdays, I look forward to mailing a personalized birthday card and calling to sing ‘Happy Birthday to You’”, she said.

Today, she calls Extendicare London home.

In the six years as a resident at the London long-term care home, Vera has cultivated special bonds with the care team who support her- like Maria, who styles Vera’s hair weekly at the home’s salon – and they have become a second family.

“We have gotten very close over the years I have been here, ” she says.

As she has done for so many years with her own children and grandchildren, Vera continues to give back to her Extendicare family. She spends hours knitting colorful dishcloths for the PSWs, nurses, housekeeping, dietary and activity teams, and over the years she has given out hundreds of these hand-crafted gifts to the home’s team members.

Program Aide Chelsea knows how special it is to be able to work with Vera. “I absolutely love caring for her,” she said.

“She is such a remarkable senior who is always sharing stories and giving advice to myself and other team members. We listen, because at 104 years old, she is obviously doing something right!”

Vera’s best life advice? “The two most important things to do every day are to keep a positive attitude and support others when times are tough.”

Vera will celebrate her 105th birthday on November 23rd. In keeping with tradition, her whole family – Extendicare team members and her own loved ones - will gather in London to celebrate her.